Like many people today, you probably have a specific budget in mind when buying a desktop computer. You may wonder, though, how to pick out the computer. What size and shape do you need? With all the new technology, you may be unsure what to get. We are here to help you with this most difficult decision. Read on for great insight into what to look for when purchasing a great desktop computer.
There are four different types of PC users. Read below to find out which one you are. This will help you choose the best computer for you and your family.
General-purpose user: A general-purpose user uses a desktop computer, perfect for those who like to take pictures, edit, play games, and surf the net. Depending on your needs, a general-purpose computer can range from $500 to $1500.
Power User: a power user computer is a computer that can be used to make and edit movies and videos. These types of computers also allow you to create digital designs and play mega games. You typically need two or more hard drives and a great graphics card with these computers. These computers usually run higher in price due to the power of the computer and the different running systems it will include. A power user computer can range in price from $2500 to $3500 depending on what you will need to perform the types of work you want to do on this computer.
Home Theater Enthusiast: Do you love movies and television? Why not get a computer that can handle your home theater needs? This type of computer is great for people who love to watch movies and television. Windows Media Center is on all Windows programs, including the new Windows 7. When considering this type of computer, always remember what media you will be playing. This will help you decide on the video card and how much memory and output you need. You can also find surround sound for your home theater computer, making your home theater even more special. When purchasing this computer, make sure that it has the proper DVD drive, or if you desire, you can get a laptop with a ray player allowing you the maximum high definition display. This type of computer can range from $500 to $1500 depending on what you need to be included with the great entertainment model computer.
Home Office Worker: this is a great computer for those who work from home. With this type of computer, you do not need the massive graphics power as other computers unless you design graphics for your home office work, and then you would want a computer with a higher graphics count. You will want a system with a dual power core to multitask and get the work done that you need to be done. Windows has a great operating system, Wi, and Windows 7, which is great for multitasking. The newest feature on Windows 7 allows you to have different windows open simultaneously, and you are entitled to have them up side by side. This will save you time, and you will not have to worry about your computer crashing. Mac also has a great operating system for the home office as well. A home computer can run in price from $500 to $2,000 depending on what you need and how you plan on using it.
There are many different features to consider when purchasing any of the computers mentioned above. The main great features that you will want to consider are:
A processor is the most basic form of the brain of your computer.* Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 or Intel Core 2 Duo processors are the most common. You will want a Duo processor if you do a lot of work or something that calls for a high-speed processor, such as burning or making videos and DVDs. The faster your processor is, the better performance you will receive out of your computer.
* Memory: The memory in a desktop computer can vary due to the upcoming technology. You can find a desktop with 1G to 4G of memory, depending on what you need. Memory is changing every day due to different technologies. When considering the memory, consider what you will use your computer for. The more pictures and videos you need to make, the more the gigabyte count will increase. Having the maximum amount of memory gives you plenty of room for all those important things you want to install on your computer.
* Hard Drive: You can find the perfect hard drive depending on what you need to store on your computer. A hard drive for this type of desktop can range from 250 G to 500 G. When choosing the hard drive, remember what programs you want to install if you’re going to install games or photo editing software, having a higher gigabyte count would be best. This gives you plenty of space for these and other programs, including music and videos.
* Running system: When choosing your computer, you will want to select an operating system that will work great for you. You can choose Windows or Mac. Both are very reliable brands and will give you a great computer experience. The latest version is Windows 7; the newest Mac is the Apple OS X Leopard. The feedback on both of these programs is great. You can also ask friends and family who have these running systems how they feel about them, and this will help you pick out the perfect running system for you.
* Video Card: The video card helps control different graphics and videos. The most typical video card is 128 MB and comes from NVIDIA and ATI. With ever-changing technology, video cards will increase in megabyte size and quality. Most computers come with this feature already installed for quality graphics.
* Keyboard: Your computer would be useless without a keyboard. There are several different choices of keyboards. If you have trouble with your wrists, you can find an ergonomic keyboard with a wristwatch built into the keyboard. If you do not want the headache of wires, you can purchase a wireless keyboard. A wireless keyboard gives you access to your computer without the clutter of wire.
A wireless mouse is the latest invention.* Mouse: The mouse is a key component in running your desktop computer. It helps you click on links and scroll down through pages. You can move your mouse around without the constraint of wire, which is a great way to perform your task. A computer can function without a mouse, but it would be tough to use.
* Monitor: The monitor is the most important part of the computer besides the hard drive. The monitor allows you to see images and what is on your computer. You can find average-size monitors, wide-screened monitors, and flat-screened monitors. You can even find HD monitors that deliver an even clearer picture. The size of the monitor depends on what size you need for what you will be doing with your desktop computer. With larger screens, you can watch many different movies the size of a television.
* Web Camera: a web camera can be hooked up to your computer, allowing you to take images and videos and save them directly to your computer. You can also video chat with people online using Yahoo, Skype, or Facebook. It is a great way to stay in contact with friends and family. When considering a webcam purchase, check and see what pixels it has. The higher the pixel, the greater the image and the less pixilated.
* Size: Desktop computers have changed in size drastically over the years, and each year, it seems like a smaller, more compact model is being released. That is great for those of you who do not have muchspace to store a large computer. You can find a desktop in the size you need, including compact. Every year, smaller and more compact computers are being released. When looking for the size, consider where you will set up your computer and how much room you will have. It would not hurt to take measurements and have them with you when purchasing your laptop.
* DVD/Blue Ray: If you like to watch movies, you can purchase a desktop computer with a DVD player. This is a great way to protect your movies. When purchasing the computer, check and see what regions the DVD player can handle. This way, you can enjoy movies from many different areas worldwide. Region 1 is in the United States, and Region 2 is in the United Kingdom. So, if you want a film from across the pond, you can purchase it and watch it on your desktop. If you desire high quality and high definition, you can buy a computer equipped with a blue ray player. This is great for watching high-definition movies.
* Warranty: You may consider an extended warranty when purchasing a computer. This will give you peace of mind in case something happens to your computer. Always remember to register for your security; it will make you and your laptop feel safer.