So, you’ve been enjoying your new computer for the last few months, and as time has passed, it has been getting slower and slower. It’s finally to the point that it’s almost unusable and is driving you up the wall when you use it for recreation or work. So what do you do? Pick it up, throw it away, and buy a new one? Nope. The correct answer is to call tech support or search the Internet and see if you can find out what is wrong with your computer and fix it. Sometimes you must buy a new computer, especially if your current one is ten years old. But if you’ve only had it a few months to a few years, you most likely need to do some basic cleanup and update your computer’s software. Before you start to panic or rush out to buy a new computer, you should try the tips I have here for you to see if they will get your laptop up and running like new again.
1. Update Software
Some of you reading this might already know that upgrading your software, such as virus and spyware protection software, makes sense. Still, many people probably don’t realize that updating all your other software programs will also help improve the speed of your computer. Updating your software is different for each program. Sure, your software might do exactly what it’s supposed to do perfectly, but the reality is that it is full of glitches and bugs that can be fixed by downloading patches. Downloading these patches will improve your computer’s and software’s efficiency and security.
Sometimes, you have to do it manually from inside the program; other times, it’s automatic. You should set it to update programs like virus and spyware protection software. If you have other programs that automatically auto-update themselves, put them to do so. This will keep you from having to worry about updating your software yourself. For the rest of your software that doesn’t automatically update itself, checking for updates at least once a month should be sufficient. It may not seem very pleasant to update your software, especially if you have to do it manually, but you will be glad you did it in the end, and your computer will thank you for it.
2. Update Your Operating System
Along with updating your software, you also need to update your operating system regularly. Your operating system is just another software program, and like those other programs, it is also full of bugs and glitches that need to be fixed with updates. Windows has the option of letting you set it to update itself automatically or to update it manually when you feel like it. To adjust this option in Windows XP, go to Start>Control Panel and click on Automatic Updates in the Control Panel window. Go to Start>Control Panel in Windows Vista and click on Windows Updates. In the Windows Updates window, click Change Settings in the left pane. Regardless of which version of Windows you are using, you will have the same options to choose from, which are:
1. Automatically Download and Install Updates
2. Automatically Download Updates, but let me choose when to install them.
3. Notify me, but don’t automatically download or install them.
4. Turn off Automatic Updates.
The recommended setting is to download and install updates automatically, but you can choose whichever settings you want and then click Apply to save your changes. Regardless of how you decide to update your operating system, doing it regularly will help your computer run smoother and improve its security.
3. Defragment Your Computer
As you use your computer and add and remove files and software, some of your files become fragmented and spread over the hard disk over time. This will worsen as time passes, and your computer will eventually slow down. The computer has to search the hard drive longer whenever you attempt to use your files. Fixing this problem is as simple as running the Disk Defragmenter Utility with Windows. To run Disk Defragmenter, go to Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Defragmenter. Once the program opens up, click the Defragmenting button and let it go on its own to start the defragment process. Because defragmenting your hard drive uses all your system resources, it’s best to do this only when you need to use your computer. I recommend you start defragmenting at night right before you go to bed because, depending on how fragmented your hard drive is, it could take several hours to complete. Once the defragmenting process is done, your files will be put back together properly, and you should notice a significant increase in the speed of your computer, especially if it’s been a while since the last time you did it.
4. Delete Junk Files
Has it ever seemed like your free space on your hard drive is getting smaller, or it takes longer to search for a file you can’t find even though you haven’t added any new files or software on your computer? This is due to fragments of files left behind from the daily tasks you perform on your computer. Whenever you download files from the Internet or delete files to the recycling bin, bits and pieces of files are left behind that you can’t see and most likely don’t know about. These are the “junk” files created automatically by programs for temporary use but aren’t deleted after the programs are done using them. These files include cookies, temporary Internet files, log files, error log files, temporary miscellaneous files, and System Restore points created every so often by Windows. It might sound like it would be lots of work to remove all of these useless files, but fear not, a built-in program called Disk Cleanup will delete them for you.
Go to Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools> Disk Cleanup to run this program. Once the program opens, you will be shown a window with some tabs and options. The first tab that you see lets you choose which junk files you would like to remove. Below, this window shows how much free space you will gain from deleting these files. Even if it’s only a few kilobytes, still run the program. I have found out from using it that even if it says it will free up a few kilobytes, it usually frees up 1-5GB of space. Once you select which files to remove, click the OK button at the bottom of the window. Once the process is done, it will automatically close. Along with deleting these junk files, if you haven’t had any problems for a while with your computer, you can free up additional space by clicking the More Options tab in the Disk Cleanup window and the Cleanup button in the System Restore section. This will delete all but the most recent restore point. Once you’re done deleting all your files, close the program if it doesn’t close by itself, and you’re done.
5. Delete Unused Files
Along with deleting the junk files off your computer, you can also get increased performance from your hard drive by deleting files you know about but don’t use. This includes software and all personal files you create or download, such as movies, music, and pictures. You might be playing only one or two PC games right now. Having 50 games installed at once might look cool, but remove them if you’re not playing them. Sure, your hundreds of pictures look cool across the screen for the My Pictures screensaver, but do you need them all on your computer? If the answer is no, it would probably be better if you saved them all to CDs or DVDs and deleted them from your computer.
6. Scan for Malware
Not only should you update your virus and other malware protection software regularly, but you should also actually use it. Because new forms of malware are released every day once in a while, viruses or spyware that your software can’t detect will get into your computer. Because of this reason, it would be wise to run a virus and spyware scan on your computer at least once a week. Doing this will ensure that you are virus- and spyware-free, even if your program doesn’t automatically detect it on its own, and again will increase computer speed.
7. Scan for Registry Errors
So you’ve scanned for viruses, removed junk files, defragmented your hard drive, and still have speed issues, or your computer is still crashing when running programs. If none of these things did the trick, then the problem could be partially the fault of registry errors. The registry is like the central control and brain of all data on your computer in Windows. Almost every file and program you add or remove creates entries in your system registry. Also, when you drag files or software, it makes registry errors. Unlike the previous tips, you will have to find a program designed to fix registry errors rather than using features built into Windows. Most of them are self-explanatory as to how to use them, but I recommend Glary Utilities. It is the one I use personally, and it finds several registry errors every time I run it. Once you pick a program you like, install and use it often, as registry errors add up quickly. Fixing these errors will increase your system performance and make it more stable.
8. Turn Off Startup Programs
Taking forever to start seems a common problem for many people I know. Your computer takes forever to start Windows and show your desktop because of the number of programs it has been told to start on startup. Many programs, such as instant messaging software, are unnecessary to run at startup. The good thing is that you can turn these programs off if you choose to. To turn these programs off, click Start type,e System Configuration in the Run box, and press enter. Once the System Configuration program has opened, click the Startup tab. All the programs listed will start when you first log into Windows. If you see programs you recognize, such as Yahoo IM or AIM, uncheck them and click Apply. All other programs can be safely deselected except for programs that Windows needs to run and virus and malware scanning software. Once you have made the changes you want, close the application and restart your computer for the settings to take effect. Next time your operating system starts up, you should notice an increase in boot time if you select several programs. If not, then turn off some more programs, or you can try my next tip.
9. Add More Ram
Sometimes, even when nothing is wrong with your computer, it seems slow. This could be because the programs you are using require more memory than you currently have to run smoothly. The solution is to add more RAM to your computer. Adding more RAM will allow you to run more programs simultaneously and give your existing programs more memory. This is especially useful for people who play many games or do many videos and photo editing. These types of programs tend to use a lot of RAM. The downside to possibly adding more RAM to your computer is that it costs money and requires a little tech knowledge of computers. When buying more RAM for your computer, you must determine exactly which type it uses. Then you or someone you know has to take the side of your computer off and look for the existing RAM. Most computers have multiple slots for RAM, and the chip is just a long rectangle. Installing the RAM is as simple as placing it lightly in the space and then pushing it into place. Once it’s secure but the side is back on your computer, turn it around, and it’s ready. It’s as simple as that.
10. Format Your Computer
So, you’ve tried all my previous trips, and your computer is still running sluggishly. The last thing you can try that always fixes your problems when all else fails is to format your hard drive. Formatting your hard drive will completely wipe all files on it. Any errors you might have had due to file errors, operating system errors, viruses, and other malware are now completely gone. You have a few options for how to format your hard drive. One option is to use the recovery discs with almost all retail computers. This method will automatically format and reinstall your computer’s operating system and all trial software the first day you buy it. Another option is to boot your computer from a disc using your Windows operating system disc and run the format hard drive option from there. A third option I usually use is a Live-CD version of Linux and a drive formatting program to format my hard drive, then reinstall my operating system from its install disc.