The difference between the world wide web and the internet

The World Wide Web collects billions of documents and websites that make up the Internet. It was developed by the U.S. government to share information and is based on a standard called Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The Internet is a massive network of interconnected computers spread across every continent. People can use it, too.

The World Wide Web and the Internet are often used interchangeably, but there are some important differences between them. Learn the difference between them so you can better understand what they do and why you should care.

The World Wide Web is the original Internet. The U.S. Department of Defense developed the Internet in 1983 to allow military personnel to communicate while deployed on different continents. It was built by the National Science Foundation in 1991 to connect computers worldwide.


The world wide web is often referred to as the “WWW”, “the web”, “the Internet”, or just the “Internet”.

The Internet has recently replaced the World Wide Web (WWW). As a result, the Internet has become a vital source of information, knowledge, ideas, and innovation. Several pitfalls come with using the Internet, including overuse, misinformation, and false data. The Internet can be a useful tool for anyone who wants to learn more about psychology, but like any tool, there are some things to keep in mind when using the Internet.

How the World Wide Web and the Internet are similar

The World Wide Web and the Internet comprise a collection of websites. The main difference is that the World Wide Web is more widely used.

The World Wide Web is a collection of websites that live on servers worldwide, while the Internet is a network of servers that live worldwide.

Web browsers and servers are the backbones of the World Wide Web and the Internet.

The most common web browser is Google Chrome, which Google owns. Other popular browsers include Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Firefox.

The most common web server is Apache, which the Apache Software Foundation also owns. Other web servers include Microsoft IIS, Nginx, and Lighttpd.

How the World Wide Web and the Internet are different

A glance at the history of the Internet reveals that it was designed for the military. In contrast, the World Wide Web was developed to help people access information more easily.

The main difference is that the Internet is distributed, whereas the WWW is centralized. That means the Internet is made up of billions of computers, whereas the WWW is made up of only one.

When computer users connect to the Internet, they are connected to a server, which stores information about that user. This server is called a DNS or domain name server.

How can you tell if someone has access to the Internet?

You’ve probably heard this question before, but did you know that some countries have limited access to the Internet? Around 40% of the world’s population still has no Internet access.

For the first time in history, access to the Internet is becoming a luxury item. As of 2017, only 3% of the world’s population has Internet access, and only 1% has full Internet access.

This means that about 5.6 billion people worldwide do not have Internet access. That’s almost a third of the world’s population!

What is a web browser, and how do you use it?

The World Wide Web is made up of billions of websites. Each website has its home page, which usually contains an image and text. This text is typically called a web page, and it is what we see when we visit a website.

You can browse the World Wide Web using a web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, or Internet Explorer. Most web browsers provide several tools to help you navigate the web. These include a history and bookmarking function, a search bar, and a way to share websites with other people.

The easiest way to navigate the web is with a keyboard. You can press a key on your keyboard to visit a specific site. However, a mouse is also helpful, especially if you want to click on a button to perform a particular action.

 Frequently Asked Questions About the Internet.

Q: When did you first hear the word “Internet”?

A: When I was a little girl, I used to play on my computer and type in I used to say, “I’m on the internet!”

Q: Why do you think we call it the World Wide Web?

A: In the early days of the Internet, there was only one website. Before, you could have all the websites you wanted in the same place. So they put the worldwide in there because it was the entire web.

Q: Can you tell me how the Internet has changed our lives?

A: The Internet has helped me build my career. Before, I didn’t know how to search for jobs. Now, I can go on the Internet and find everything I need, whether it’s for a job or school.

 Top myths about the Internet

1. The Internet is free.

2. The Internet is faster than the World Wide Web.

3. The Internet can send mail to people around the world.

4. The Internet is more expensive than the world

5. Young people use the Internet.


The Internet and the World Wide Web describe the same thing. However, the Internet is the name of the underlying technology that allows us to access websites on the World Wide Web. It’s important to understand that the World Wide Web and the Internet are different. While they may seem similar, they have differences.


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