The Human ‘Operating System’

How do we ‘operate’? What makes us ‘work’? Where does our knowledge stem from? Where do our beliefs, cultures, phobias, superstitions, etc., originate? What gives us our individuality?

We can see the importance of an ‘operating system’ (O/S) to the computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an O/S. The computer will not function without one. This fact has made Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, one of the richest men on Earth.

The ‘operating systems’ in the computer environment provide a proprietary software platform on top of which other computer programs, called ‘application programs,’ can run. For example, you can run the ‘application program’ Word, Excel, or this PowerPoint presentation from the Microsoft Office Suite on one of the most popular ‘operating systems, Microsoft Windows – Windows 95, 98, 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows 7…

These ‘operating systems’ reside in Read-Only Memory (ROM), which means you cannot access the O/S. It is non-volatile and is never erased. But you can manipulate the ‘application programs’ in Microsoft Office – Word, Excel, etc.

Operating System

‘Operating systems’ perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. For large computer systems, the O/S has even greater responsibilities and powers. It is like a traffic cop – it makes sure those different programs and users running simultaneously do not interfere with each other. The O/S is also responsible for security, ensuring unauthorized users do not access the system.


I believe this ‘operating system’ in humans comprises genes from our parents and ancestors reaching back to the beginning of life on Earth. Within our ‘operating systems,’ I believe we have what I would call a ‘transgenerational subconscious memory that is made up of data gathered from when life began to when we were conceived.

In addition to this, we accumulate experiences and information during our life span on Earth that adds to this knowledge and might be likened to an ‘application program’ similar to Word or Excel, where we similarly add our files to software and files to a computer’s hard disk which gives each computer its individuality. Some experiences and information change our personalities and seem ingrained into us. Some things leave little impression on us, and this might be compared to a game run on the computer’s CD-ROM for a few weeks and then never played again. I hope this comparison shows how we can be individuals even though we are born with common genes. So, it is possible to influence your life span on Earth, but you cannot change your inherited ‘operating system’!

We can get a fundamental idea of our ‘operating system’ complexity by imagining a series of circles expanding from a small inner circle to the largest outer ring, like the cross-section of an onion cut in half. The small inner circle represents when life began on Earth to the critical “missing link” point when the human race was created following the arrival of a highly intelligent extraterrestrial life-form that bred with or somehow implanted its genetic material and educated our Homo ancestors around 13,000 years ago up to the outside circle representing our parents’ generation.

The ‘onion’ diagram would need to be quite large to show around 500 generations that will have come and gone during the 13,000 years that have elapsed since the arrival of the extraterrestrial visitor(s). Of course, contributions to our ‘operating system’ from the Homo sapiens side of the family began long before the arrival of the ‘Alien Visitor.’ From the point when life first began on Earth up until the arrival of our early Australopithecine/Homo ancestors, 500 million years of evolution had taken place.

An important point for us was the emergence of a pig-like creature, the lystrosaurid, from an unknown natural disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs. The lystrosaurid slowly evolved into small ape-like creatures called australopithecines that made the first steps on the human journey some 15 million years ago. But, for this article, I will assume that the Homo sapiens contribution to our ‘operating system’ may have been similar to a present-day Chimpanzees’ ‘operating system.’

How can we prove that this O/S exists? This can be clearly shown when we look at the ‘interface’ of the O/S and the beginning of our life span on Earth. When we see a new baby for the first time, we remark on which features it has inherited from which parent or grandparent. Diplomacy can be important at this time! I have a photograph of my great-great-grandfather. Even though the photo is ancient, I can see a clear resemblance to my father and brother. With the advent of video cameras, future generations will see more clearly the ‘similarities’ in appearances and mannerisms across the ages.

When a baby is born, the basic survival functions are already adapted and developed from the earliest circles! A baby ‘knows’ how to breathe, cry, yawn, suck. It will also know not to suck and swim at the same time! If you drop the baby in a swimming pool, it will float.

The new baby has come into the world with characteristics and a memory inheritance program that enables it to operate or live as an individual on Earth. A cat will have the features (O/S) of a cat, a swan, etc.

It is essential to recognize that we have inherited this individual O/S. I hope the complexity of our multi-million-year-old O/S demonstrates just how amazing and precious we all are!

To explain further, let us look at how we access our memory. It is straightforward to locate a file, for example, a Word document, and open it on a computer. But, unlike the logical silicon circuits in computers, our brain or memory is not accessed logically because it is made up of chemicals that can be easily ‘disturbed,’ thus creating many strange phenomena. So, in the Human O/S, is our intelligence, our IQ, a measurement of how easily we can access information from our memory?!

It is important here to highlight three states of memory – Conscious, unconscious, and subconscious. The first two relate to our lifespan on Earth, and the third to our inherited ‘operating system.’ My definition of consciousness is ‘alert and awake,’ the unconscious ‘forgotten experiences,’ ‘still there but no longer aware of’ – (meet an old friend, begin to remember forgotten experiences), and the subconscious – ‘not experienced in our own lifetime’ information.

Every second of every day, we subconsciously access our O/S, but there are occasions when we can inadvertently access our O/S consciously, with some interesting results.

Disturbances to our brain cells can be caused by grief, illness (fever), drugs (deliberate or accidental), fasting, and sleep deprivation. There are long-term hereditary mental illness problems such as paranoia and schizophrenia or issues during pregnancy, resulting in conditions such as Autism, Dyspraxia, etc.

It is important to recognize that our conscious insights into our subconscious (O/S) are all in the memory, which we sometimes call the mind! Let us look at some of the amazing results. When we experience deja vu, our minds seem to recall memories based on our experiences. This tricks us into believing there is a time displacement in our conscious lives. But I also think we are trying to decipher memories of events we have not experienced as a race. We can accidentally introduce our past subconscious information, data from our ancestors stored in our subconscious memory (O/S), to our present conscious memory.

As far as I know, there is no evidence of anyone touching a ghost, but many people have ‘seen ghosts. I believe the ancestor’s memory exists in an individual’s subconscious memory (O/S). Under certain conditions, the ‘video clip’ of the ancestor or location can be accessed from the subconscious memory and appears as a ‘ghost.’ The same process applies to most Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) sightings. Many people worldwide have ‘witnessed’ this phenomenon—some claim. UFOs are currently mapping our planet. I think they were doing these 13,000 years ago, and where people believe they see UFOs today, they see an inherited memory hidden in their subconscious.

People who believe they are reincarnations of our ancestors may also bring memories from a subconscious collective memory. I think these memories are not resurrected from the individual’s own life on Earth but from a database of human history, which we all possess in our inherited trans-generation memory genes. In extreme cases, some individuals may find it difficult to lead their lives on Earth because of easy access to information stored in the brains of earlier generations. So, when Arthur Pendragon claims he is the twentieth-century reincarnation of King Arthur, he is perhaps experiencing flashes of information from this trans-generation subconscious memory, which he has inherited and cannot easily control. Some people may believe they are reincarnations, and others do not, depending on whether or not they have flashbacks from the trans-generation memory. A computer can also be seen to have ‘flashbacks.’ We may search to find a file and come up with a completely different one that was thought to have been erased several years ago.

Some of us can be involved in new ideas and inventions that have yet to be launched to the general public. This knowledge can give the impression that we can foresee the future.

Apart from having memories, we are also contained in other people’s memories. We may meet someone and be reminded of past experiences and sensations, but in the same way, other people will meet and recollect memories associated with us. Even if we do not have children, our ideas are still transferred to consequent generations of people because of our impact on our peers and even on pets in our lifetimes.

Our human tissue, our flesh, and our blood are comprised of a multitude of chemicals. So, our brain or memory tissue is not a secure means for storing and retaining data. We can observe this reality as we grow older. The ‘links’ between the memory cells become weaker, and we begin to look back on the memory that is easiest to access, our early memory of our lifespan on Earth, our children, and those we grew up with. As we grow older, we can become confused as we slip back into information stored in our memory inherited from previous generations. Much of this uttered information does not make sense to even the closest family member. Perhaps, in trying to understand inherited memories, we will gain a greater understanding of senility.

The silicon chip is a much more stable method of storing information. However, compared to the human brain, this silicon chip technology and the level of complexity is still in its infancy, and computer ‘hackers’ can gain access to the information stored in these silicon circuits. As mentioned previously, all sorts of ways and means have been tried to dislodge or, in some way, manipulate our memory genes, but we are still some way off before we can ‘hack’ into the hidden memory in the human brain. I think we can try to excavate this knowledge using our imagination in addition to our intelligence.

We must be aware our genetic ‘operating system’ can be counterproductive. Under given conditions, we can revert to fears, beliefs, superstitions, etc., contained in our subconscious memory. Sometimes, we experience irrational fears, such as horror when we see spiders, but we have no experience in our own lives that could explain why we would be so frightened of this creature. This fear is not learned; it is already within us and is sometimes triggered, but we do not know why. Perhaps our phobias and superstitions were once logical, but we have become unclear about why we have these impulses during our evolution.

The knowledge to understand them is still within our subconscious memories but is obscured or altered by adding more information through the generations. People sometimes suffer so badly from these irrational fears that they try to overcome them using hypnotherapy. Maybe this works because the hypnotherapist can draw out the forgotten knowledge in the patient and match it to the trigger so that it is no longer irrational and, therefore, alarming. Some among us, politicians, religious leaders, psychologists, and marketing executives, have learned how to manipulate our subconscious memories, so beware!


Alcohol scholar. Bacon fan. Internetaholic. Beer geek. Thinker. Coffee advocate. Reader. Have a strong interest in consulting about teddy bears in Nigeria. Spent 2001-2004 promoting glue in Pensacola, FL. My current pet project is testing the market for salsa in Las Vegas, NV. In 2008 I was getting to know birdhouses worldwide. Spent 2002-2008 buying and selling easy-bake-ovens in Bethesda, MD. Spent 2002-2009 marketing country music in the financial sector.