Truth in Advertising – Apple Macintosh

Have you seen the industrial for the new Macintosh — the one with the two men status in big cardboard packing containers? The more youthful, extra lively man, manifestly a Mac, jumps out of his carton, prepared to get to work. Looking at a chunk chagrined, the PC man or woman stays in his box. He can not get commenced until he receives a few additional software programs and another device. So sad. “And so now not authentic,” my daughter tells me. She offered a Dell, which got here with all the software she ordered and turned into genuinely prepared properly out of the container. No waiting. There is no extra system and no trouble. She began using it 10 minutes after it arrived.

I, alternatively, changed into now not. I took my excellent new iMac out of the box and plugged it in; however, I had no idea what to do. The computer did come with plenty of software programs (iTunes, iCal, iPhoto, iDVD, iMovie, iChat, Garage Band, whatever that is, and something that made little widgets fly throughout my display). However, I did not want that. I wished to open my vintage documents, which I couldn’t do because the laptop did not have the applications I had been using and wouldn’t use the packages I did have. I might want all the new software, which costs more than the hardware.


I can be a dyed-in-the-wool Mac man or woman. However, I’m additionally technologically impaired. I knew as my Mac guru right away. Seven-and-a-half hours and $300 later, he had transferred all of my documents to the brand new iMac, linked me to my electronic mail issuer, imported my bookmarks and cope with the e-book, hooked up a king’s ransom in software, and given me a fast excursion of OS X. “You need to take a direction in this running device,” he suggested.

That was costly; however, I thought it was worth it. It was a little more complicated than the industrial advised, but I was practical. That’s what counted, right? Well, no, no longer proper. It would have mattered if I had been useful, but I wasn’t. Since my zip and jazz disks wouldn’t make paintings with the iMac, I now wanted an outside tough power to back up my files. So, I ordered one online, got a lemon, returned it, got another lemon, edand returned it, and eventually offered one for twice as muchmuch money on the Apple save. That took three weeks.

Well, at the least, I had Windows, or so stated, another Mac business. My new iMac also became a PC with an Intel chip. Pretty top-notch, huh? That’s what I thought. But I was incorrect. The iMac didn’t come with Windows. I might have to buy it if I desired it, in addition to software that allowed me to switch from side to side between OS X and Windows. More cash, greater trouble. I decided to forgo Windows.

By now, I should have predicted the process to be more complicated than advertised. The exact news became that I was going to get a $179 rebate on my iPod, which, pretty clearly, I might in no way have ordered, but it had included the PC. I wanted statistics from the UPC label on the original carton to get my rebate. Unfortunately, I threw out the carton because I could not save it.

The Apple representative reluctantly complied by faxing me a form. However, considering that neither my fax machine nor my fax software worked with the brand new iMac, I had to have it despatched to Kinko’s. There is a good deal greater to this story, but the factor is that after three months, four telephone calls, and several portions of mail, I nevertheless have now not obtained the rebate.

What mattered most was that I become able to paintings, in the end — if I did not rely on printing. The new laptop didn’t appear to like my laser printer, which it insisted on calling Flash Paper rather than LaserJet 2100 M. Flash Paper had something to do with Macromedia’s DreamWeaver. Nothing made it leave, which included dumping all Macromedia packages inside the trash.

I knew Apple’s support. The tech became baffled and recommended I delete the printer. Then, he sent me to Macromedia, who also became baffled and referred me to HP. HP concluded that the laptop was not spotting my printer, and, when you consider that mine was approximately to die of antique age, I had to immediately upgrade to a brand new printer for the best $330.

Setting up the printer was purported to be so easy a child might want to do it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t. The PC is nevertheless called Flash Paper. I knew it as HP. It seems I now do not have appropriate printer drivers. Still, through the magic of an HP Macintosh specialist, the iMac eventually recognized the printer, changed its call to HP LaserJet 1320, and removed Flash Paper.

All that remained changed into discerning my new software. My Web guru (no longer to be pressured by my Mac guru) came over to tinker with DreamWeaver, which was now not permitting me to upload files to my Web website. After six hours of troubleshooting, she gave up on depression. I called Macromedia once more.

Macromedia had been bought using Adobe, so it became hard to talk to an actual person. But, using the third try, I reached a decided DreamWeaver aid individual in India. She subsequently discovered an area before the tough force’s name (don’t ask me how it was given there). Take out the gap, rename the hard power, reenter all the information, do that, and, poof, I should add files.

Adobe Creative Suite became another problem. Mac’s new Intel chip is not like-minded with Adobe merchandise. I stumbled around InDesign for days earlier than I gave up. I did not even attempt Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Acrobat. Instead, I signed up for a semester-long route in Adobe Creative Suite. With my senior discount, it becomes most effective at $117.

When preparing to begin my path, I fired up vintage, devoted – Microsoft Word – and returned to work. The screen iced up and would no longer unfreeze, regardless of what I did. I broke down and referred to as Apple. All Apple representatives were, of direction, busy supporting other customers, but my name became vital to them. Finally, a completely humorless Mac tech turned off Bluetooth, seemingly thinking I had become wireless. It becomes a heady feeling – till …

Apple keeps exposing the Mac man getting the higher of antique, befuddled PC, but I do not watch them any greater. I need to write the advertising employer that creates the one’s smart commercials and endorses that the copywriter may have to use the product before he does his subsequent storyboard. I want to ship a registered letter to Steve Jobs describing my revel in shiny detail. I want to submit this piece to PC World, submit it on the Internet, and splash it throughout my web page. I must plug in my old, decrepit “blue container” Mac and overlook my improvement choice. Worst of all, I want to confess to everyone who uses a PC that they might be right.


Alcohol scholar. Bacon fan. Internetaholic. Beer geek. Thinker. Coffee advocate. Reader. Have a strong interest in consulting about teddy bears in Nigeria. Spent 2001-2004 promoting glue in Pensacola, FL. My current pet project is testing the market for salsa in Las Vegas, NV. In 2008 I was getting to know birdhouses worldwide. Spent 2002-2008 buying and selling easy-bake-ovens in Bethesda, MD. Spent 2002-2009 marketing country music in the financial sector.