5 Strange Ways a WordPress Site Will Get You More Customers

Alright, let’s be sincere. You were not waiting for a stupid weblog web page like WordPress to force greater visitors to your web page, had you? You certainly were not expecting something. It is FREE to get you more commercial enterprise, right? Surprise! WordPress can do all of that AND MORE! Here are the five Strange Ways WordPress Can Get You More Customers:

#5. Go Viral – Have you ever had a website so strange or available that human beings can not help speak to me about it? Something this is thus far outside your comfort quarter that you smile and almost make an apology while human beings see it – but that makes you a CRAPLOAD of sales?

NO? I even have. This very website used to be black and neon red. The header changed into a half-bare female (her decreased torso) and the word “Marketing for Men with the B*as to Get Rich” (the web page focused on male enterprise owners particularly). Keep in thoughts I’m a female. Having ANYTHING 1/2-naked on my website changed into out of doors my comfort quarter.

Secondly, and I failed to see this coming, the general public who contacted me to advertise one have behasOMEN. It turns out; women felt that I turned into poking fun at men. Men felt like I turned into talking to a degree they understood. Between the two, I made more money in 6 months than I’d made in my whole copywriting career ahead.

WordPress Site

#4: Being Flexible – One of the high-quality things about WordPress is that you may transfer, change, and customize your skin/topic on the website to healthy something warm at that 2nd – while not having to alternate the phrases or usability of your web page. That’s why I work as rapidly as I do – traits can disappear like a fart in the wind (we’re not waiting for me to jot down that, huh?), and if you want to stay on the reducing aspect, you have to work speedily too.

Granted, no one will go to your website and say, “Well, I changed into going to shop for their widget, but they are the usage of fall hues, and it’s almost summer season” or something. If they’re that picky, did you need them as customers initially? (I’ll help you with the clean questions) Um, NO. But by being inclined (and capable) to trade the appearance and sense of your website almost in a single day, you are confident in a top spot in your specific area of interest (and that’s a top-notch position to be in!)

#three: Get Searchable! – I’ve informed you before that WordPress makes getting ranked in engines like Google and Bing less difficult. Do you want to realize why? (It doesn’t matter cause I’m going to inform you besides.) Here’s the thing: search engines like Google and Yahoo ship out these “robots” and “spiders” (their names, now not mine) that “crawl” via your internet site, seeking out thoughts to what your website online is ready, and then they document that statistics away in their databases.

When someone kinds in a positive key-word (like “canine grooming”), the database right away pulls up a listing of websites they have “crawled” that should do with “dog grooming” (a few VERY relevant to the topic, a few pass over the mark completely).

But right here’s the key…Most websites that can be placed on the old World Wide Web don’t “DO” whatever. They have a domestic web page. It is equal because it is 2007, and nothing on the web page is current. So the robots and spiders move the web page slowly, get the gist of the subject, and MAYBE come lower back every six months or so that you could make certain that’s what’s occurring…For most of the time, the website online seems precisely the same.

WordPress is completely extraordinary. You can update your private home web page on the fly, create a brand new blog submission, and upload a new web page…And it keeps the one’s spiders coming lower back a LOT more regularly (I’ve skilled mine to return every other day)!

This interprets into their database thinking, “Wow. These guys are occurring! This domain is continuously updated, so the cloth stays relevant and sparkling! We gotta come lower back greater regularly to ensure we stay on the pinnacle of what they’ve got occurring!” The result? Your page ranks higher for the phrases you often operate on your website. You get ranked more regularly. (Have you ever seen a search with a couple of results for the equal website? Like that.)

#2: Look like a genius – Quick, it is the night before a primary holiday. You simply have the concept of a KILLER merchandising that’ll tie into precisely what’s happening the next day. Do you have time to touch your webmaster and talk to them about exactly what you need to be finished, wait three days for them to get to it (they have been on holiday, don’t understand) and by way of then the possibility has passed?

Would you instead be able to hop onto your WordPress web page, make the updates yourself, and the day after today be capable of rolling out a state-of-the-art merchandising that looks as if you’d prepared for all of it 12 months? DUH! (OK, assist with the clean questions again) OF COURSE, YOU WANNA DO WITHOUT THE EVER-VACATIONING WEBGUY!

Don’t get me wrong. There is certain stuff you need someone else to do (that whole information…That is what I’m right here for.) But there may be a BOATLOAD of changes and changes you know a way to do (or a quick academic might display you a way to do) to feature pages or make modifications on the fly!

#1: Become a Social Gathering Place! What?

Look, you can no longer have Twitter updates and feedback in your blog throughout your WordPress website (inappropriate locations, thoughts you)…However, it’s CAKE EASY to feature a forum where your readers can get into discussions (HELLO! It would not necessarily involve you writing whatever!) about applicable subjects they could even create themselves!

How does this translate into more clients or even sales? It’s a fact that the longer a person remains on your website, the more likely they are to buy. You’re constructing a relationship with them via phrases, photographs, videos, or anything on your website.

The first element I have requested clients who have come to me to have prior work reconfigured or rebuilt is: “What did you want to be achieved that the alternative layout corporation failed to do for you?” And: “What planning office work or internet site specifications did you offer the opposite web designer?”

I say all this to point out that website designers in Ireland are internet website hosting dealers. Typically, they did not have a plan going in and still don’t have a clear concept of what they need. Other IT professionals are not-minded readers, and if you, as a customer, cannot explain what you need in a website to one of your co-workers to the point that they can see your vision. How do you anticipate a person not part of your corporation/group/company to realize what you want?

However, as soon as you describe in detail what you need, or if you provide an explanation for what you need the internet site to perform, however briefing fact, most professional net designers/site owners can give tips to the consumer about what will help you reach your aim.


Alcohol scholar. Bacon fan. Internetaholic. Beer geek. Thinker. Coffee advocate. Reader. Have a strong interest in consulting about teddy bears in Nigeria. Spent 2001-2004 promoting glue in Pensacola, FL. My current pet project is testing the market for salsa in Las Vegas, NV. In 2008 I was getting to know birdhouses worldwide. Spent 2002-2008 buying and selling easy-bake-ovens in Bethesda, MD. Spent 2002-2009 marketing country music in the financial sector.