Nokia’s Old Flagship Devices

Nokia introduced a new cell phone, Nokia 6151. All mobile users will appreciate the Nokia 6151’s minimal design. The sturdy casing has a smooth, soft black finish accented by chrome trim around the glossier face. The keypad is easy to use, with firm, tactile buttons. The four-way navigation button and dedicated soft keys make it simple to access the Nokia 6151’s features. The Nokia 6151 is an economical mobile phone that emphasizes its 3G connectivity, so its feature lineup is basic but well-rounded.

Like all modern mobiles, the Nokia 6151 has a camera capable of taking pictures and video and streaming video with terrific playback quality. Standard mobile personal organization tools include a calendar, to-do list, and alarm clock. The Nokia 6151 also has a convenient push-to-talk feature for versatility and ease of use. Various games, including soccer, golf, racing, Snake III, and support for other downloaded Java games, are also a part of the Nokia 6151’s feature list.

Flagship Devices

s, For a 3G handset, most users would expect a better camera with video calling capabilities, but the Nokia 6151 is designed with price and functionality in mind. Unfortunately, the camera is only 1.3 megapixels and lacks any flash, and the video camera is on the back of the phone, making video calls impossible. A music player is another must-have feature on today’s mobile phones.

The Nokia 6151 has a surprisingly great-sounding MP3 player with an integrated FM radio and Visual Radio to easily identify your favorite songs’ names and artists. You can enjoy tunes through the clear loudspeaker, or the included Nokia stereo headphones, supporting all common media formats. The Nokia 6151’s primary focus is on connectivity.


Simple and reliable, the Nokia 6151 may not be a flashy handset with the best features, but it is an affordable 3G phone with all the basic tools a mobile user needs. All messages are supported, including email and Nokia Xpress Audio Messaging, so staying in contact is never a problem. With 3G and EDGE technology and a WAP HTML browser, web surfing and downloads are extremely fast. You can also transfer files and interact with other devices via Bluetooth or a USB port to connect to your PC. A simple camera, a great music player, and the latest connectivity make the Nokia 6151 an overall great mobile phone for the user with practicality and productivity in mind.


Alcohol scholar. Bacon fan. Internetaholic. Beer geek. Thinker. Coffee advocate. Reader. Have a strong interest in consulting about teddy bears in Nigeria. Spent 2001-2004 promoting glue in Pensacola, FL. My current pet project is testing the market for salsa in Las Vegas, NV. In 2008 I was getting to know birdhouses worldwide. Spent 2002-2008 buying and selling easy-bake-ovens in Bethesda, MD. Spent 2002-2009 marketing country music in the financial sector.