Internet network marketing can be a profit-producing solution for some while torturing others. Network marketers usually decide to take their businesses online after several failed attempts using traditional business-building practices. But one aspect newcomers to the online world do not realize is the new learning curve—websites, lead capture pages, autoresponders, conversions, opt-ins, and social media lessons. The ultimate question is – what should you do if you have never marketed online and want to get the biggest bang for your buck? In this article, I would like to give you some of the best internet network marketing tips I have picked up over the last three years of my online development.
Tip #1 – Be Aware Of Information Overload
This was a major problem when I first got started. The Internet has so much information and content that sometimes it can be overwhelming. You need to remember why you got online in the first place and use ONLY the information that will help you. Be aware of all the so-called ‘gurus’ out there and all of these other guys who will say that you need to buy their training courses, only to discover later that you learned nothing beneficial for your business.
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Tip #2 – Stay Focused – Avoid Distractions
Due to the advent of social networking and other websites, it is straightforward to get distracted. The Internet can be a great leveraging tool and help automate your business, but it won’t happen if you spend your days browsing Facebook and Twitter. You would be amazed at how a simple visit to your email inbox results in 4 clicked links, and the next thing you know, you’re watching a video about a monkey throwing poo. (If you’re into that kind of thing)
Tip #3 – Learn One Form Of Marketing, Then Master It
You can implement dozens of marketing strategies for your internet network marketing efforts to get traffic to your website. Your job is to focus on one until you master it. People who have never experienced success online are stuck with one form of marketing. They bounced around, learning a little bit about everything. Essentially, they become a jack of all trades but a master of none. I recommend you know one of these marketing strategies – pay-per-click, video marketing, content marketing, blogging, social media, or ezine/ solo ads. Once you start to see some results from the strategy, you know you are going in the right direction.
Tip #4 – Have More Leads Than You Have Time
Once you begin to get comfortable with your marketing and leads are coming in, you will increase your information flow daily. Get to the point where you have more tips than you have time. This way, you will always be busy and constantly talk with potential prospects for your business. Once you speak to people daily and do it for 90 days, you will see consistent growth in your team, and your income will grow quickly. Plus, you can teach your team to duplicate your efforts.
Tip #5 – Monetize ALL Of Your Leads
When you market offline, you only get paid on the prospects you enroll as customers or as distributors for your company. Selling online can allow you to get paid even on the leads that say NO to your business. How is this so? Through affiliate programs and a little concept known as the funded proposal. In addition to promoting your business, the funded proposal concept is when you offer products and services beneficial to your network marketing prospects. If you don’t do this, you are leaving thousands of dollars on the table. Over 40% of my income comes from people who said no to my business but needed the products I promoted. This will only work if you recommend useful products that are valuable to your leads and they trust you.
Tip #6 – Need Help? Use A System.
This may very well be the most important tip I can give you. You can use marketing systems to automate many of the processes you must implement online. I highly recommend using a marketing system, especially if you are brand new and want to eliminate some learning curves. The marketing system should feature customizable lead capture pages, integrate your email campaigns, and use high-converting sales copy. Trust me; if you tried to learn all these skills alone, it would take you months of time, thousands of money, and a lot of trial and error. Ensure the system has positive feedback from its users and is reasonably priced.
Tip #7 – Learn From Experience
Don’t attempt to be a know-it-all and dive into this internet marketing ocean alone. There is a lot to learn, and the best recommendation I have for you is to learn through experience. If the ‘gurus’ want to charge you $1,000 for courses without giving away quality content, RUN FAR AWAY! Seek out a leader who has ‘been there and done that and can help you along the way.
The last valuable piece of advice I can give you that will be the difference between small checks and ‘lifestyle altering’ checks is to ALWAYS put the needs of your prospects before your own needs. Remember this – it’s not about what you want; it’s about what they want. That one sentence changed the game for me online. See you at the top! I hope these seven tips help you on your Internet network marketing journey and you can take full advantage of this super-powerful tool known as the Internet.