There are tons of internet marketers out there, and it is a good idea to find yourself a mentor you believe in and follow in their footsteps. This practice alone will keep you more aligned with success simply because there won’t be some new shiny object in your inbox every 12 seconds from various marketers you don’t even know you can trust. This is an important first step and will lead to a greater understanding of where you want to be in the future, a subconscious image that should be burned into your mind as you continue on your path to success.
Unfortunately, most new internet marketers think there is some magical method that will give them the instant gratification (and profit) they desire. These are the people that the so-called “gurus” live off of. They buy every product thrown their way, expecting IT to be the ONE that catapults them to the top with little to no work. Many of these people are just like you and me, seeking an opportunity to better their lives, but most of them find continued failure and even more debt than when they started their mission.
Everybody has seen those offers or so-called “systems” that, with a magical button, will boost you into fame and fortune as champagne and Ferraris fall from the skies. The fact of the matter is that many of these systems are simply scams. But, it is also true that many people buy so many products that they don’t take the proper time to indulge in one long enough to see progress. They give up and move to the next one, hoping that THIS ONE will be THE ONE, and now “the vicious cycle” has begun.
Here is your typical 97% timeline to internet marketing failure: You start with a listed building because you heard it was all the rave and then moved into driving traffic with Pay Per Click, but that didn’t work that well. A few shiny objects later, you write a few articles and throw together a blog, thinking THAT was surely the missing link. A few more push-button systems with no success, and lastly, we are left with only failure and an empty bank account. “I tried, but I don’t think it’s possible,” or “I just can’t do it.” This cycle may continue indefinitely for some people where years and years go wasted when their major issue was not that they didn’t have the right system, but that they didn’t FOCUS on becoming successful in just ONE.
It is much easier to bust out your credit card to pay for the next best shiny object in hopes that it drives you to the top rather than creating action and motivation to reach the level of wealth you seek. So, stop fooling yourself into taking the easy route and begin taking action today.
Micheal Jordan stated, “I have failed repeatedly, which is why I succeed.” I always thought that quote was pretty powerful because it implies the necessity of failure to acquire success, and once you realize that this is true, you will know that NOW is the time to leap to success. Here are a few important internet marketing tips I wish I hadn’t taken for granted when I started online…
Internet Marketing Tip 1
You need to start with a strong foundation because you will fail immediately if you start building a skyscraper without that. So, what is the foundation? This consists of an attainable and realistic goal that will lead to a systematic action approach weekly or even daily. Your goal may be to make $1000 monthly after a year or $3000 in your first three months. You can start constructing your formula now that you know where you are headed.
Internet Marketing Tip 2
Constructing a formula is a fancy way of creating an action plan. If we want to make $1000 per month, we need to know exactly how we will go about it because, as we know, it doesn’t appear on your doorstep. Making money online comes down to ONE factor: traffic or driving targeted traffic to your offer, product, or website. After you choose a marketing technique to start creating a daily action plan, you know exactly what needs to happen daily and weekly.
Internet Marketing Tip 3
Whatever path you choose, whether it may be article marketing, video marketing, affiliate, or even PPC, you mustn’t constantly be jumping back and forth between your options. If you choose video marketing, don’t stop creating videos until you see significant progress, which your goal will determine in the first step to success. The easiest way to set yourself up for failure is by doing a ton of marketing and doing it poorly. This is a huge factor in the 97% failure rate we often hear about regarding internet marketing.
I am confident that following these three simple internet marketing tips and techniques will make you much closer to being successful online. It is easy to sit back and dream that push-button success is a reality, but it has been proven repeatedly that it just doesn’t work out. Stick to realistic goals cre, create an action plan to focus on your success, and stop wasting the precious time that could be better spent on building your internet empire.